sábado, 31 de outubro de 2009

Unesc em Dança

Yesterday at 19:30 in the theater Elias Angeloni began UNESC in dance.

The UNESC in dance is an event where many schools dance on stage for the public. Not is competitive.

And I danced.

First I danced the "Rose of the Desert", which is a dance eat like belly dancing.

After I danced the "main psychoactive chemical, which is a dance main psychoactive chemical.
Finally I danced to "Satc 50 Years", which is a dance to celebrate the 50th anniversary of SATC.

Kisses *--*

PS.: Essa hora está errada, eu postei às 12:12.

Kisses *----*

sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2009

Best friends forever

Today in afternoon at 13:30, I, Moga and Malu went to the center. First we went to pay the bill of Moga, then we bought a present for my secret friend of catechesis.

Then we went looking for a stuffed lion to a birthday for our friend Jerema. We finally found this, but wasn't a lion, was a tiger. SUAHSUHAUSHAUHSUAHUAUAHSUHAUS.

Then we went to the shopping mall to eat. When we left I almost vomited, we walked through the center for a bathroom. But luckily, I did not vomit. :D

kisses *---*
P.S.: Esta hora está errada, eu não postei às 15:26, eu postei às 20:00.
Kisses *---*

terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009

Welcome people

Hi everyone :D

My name is Beatriz, but you can call me Bia. I have 14 years old. In live in Criciúma! In my blog I'll talk about my day, special moments and special occasions!!
Kisses *---*